Xperience365, Inc

                                                                    A Tennesee Nonprofit Corporation



A Few Words About X365

X365 provides funding in the form of grants and other non-financial support to mission-specific community projects and events, such as, festivals, concerts, conferences, seminars, etc., which the Organization believes will further its organizational mission and exempt purposes.  X365 primarily provides support for projects and events that include culturally-relevant activities and programs that promote and maintain the music, arts, rhythms and culture of a particular region.  Assistance for specific projects or events include, without limitation, the following: assisting in booking venues, contracting with speakers, artists, workshops and other performers, providing marketing and promotional support for the project or event, providing educational activities and programs for children, and organizing and managing community awareness and cultural relativity.


X365 intends that these supported projects and events will assist in broadening the local community’s exposure to, and developing a greater community appreciation for, such music, arts, rhythms and culture of the particular region.  These supported projects and events incorporate various programs and activities promoting the arts such as musical performances by regional and local artists, educational activities and programs for children, exhibitions of art, jewelry, hand-made music instruments, sculptures, and other items made by regional and local artists.

Past Programs

Xperience365, Inc © 2017 | All Rights Reserved

X365's website is designed by Xperience Productions, LLC